A commitment to inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude

Simple · Forever · Similar is a pioneering Independent non-profit Educational Organization dedicated to teaching inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), and its wide range of applications, for the sake of efficiency, in all areas of human life. Our main aim is to raise awareness of the impressive actuality of iSiPS in cosmos, nature, science, and everyday life. Therefore, our motto is: ‘Awareness · Education · Empowerment‘.

A vertical straight line, a long thin mark left by a moving point, is a spiritual line, a symbol of simpleness, i.e., of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS). In geometry it could be a line that divides a shape into two equal parts: an axis of symmetry.

A passion for learning and iSiPS teaching

Our team of scholars and teaching professionals provides accurate, relevant information about the impressive actuality of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitud (iSiPS) in nature, and on all human domains striving for structural and functional efficiency. ISiPS expresses itself most fully in the following areas of human life:

1. Spirit

Life¦spirit unity characterizes and distinguishes humans. It makes them persons, and it ables them to walk upright, to speak, to think, to love, to believe, to open themselves to mystery, to look after the truth, to build a culture,… Crowned and endowed with an immaterial spirit, human being’s life¦spirit unity, and the domain of the spiritual are an utmost expression of iSiPS,… Awareness · Education · Empowerment with Simple · Forever · Similar.

2. Light

Light is the mosr efficient and fastest mediator of information in the world. Photonics, and photodynamic simpleness is a major area of iSiPS Teaching. Generative transformation: energy : ight : matter : life is a reversible dynamic process that continuously happens everywhere and at everytime in the universe. It’s the basis of photosynthesis. Without it, life would not exist,… Dare to know, empower yourself with Simple · Forever · Similar!

3. Language

Language, the body of communicative symbols in speech and writing that is used by humans, is a term that applies primarily to verbal expressions with reference to the words employed. Linguistics, the scientific study of language, like translation and interpretation, is another marvellous expression of iSiPS reality in human life,… Experience the fusion of knowledge and wisdom with Simple · Forever · Similar.

4. Arts

Since the prehistory, works of art have been signs, manifestations of the ubiquitous (omnipresent) and universal phenomenon of analogy/likeness/similitude. Be they formal, figurative or abstract, works of art are particular means of symbolic semiotic communication. Symbolic harmonious semiotic simpleness is another utmost expression of iSiPS actuality in human life,… Dare to know, empower yourself with Simple · Forever · Similar!

5. Science

The domain of science, knowledge looking after the truth, striving at predictive certainty and maximal efficiency, is the most important reason for Simple · Forever · Similar existence. ISiPS is the firm basis, the primary source, the epistemological premise of science, be it pure science or an applied one (technique). Teaching that scientific method (all its steps) is nothing less than an iSiPS application, is one of our goals!… Experience the fusion of knowledge and wisdom with Simple · Forever · Similar.

7. Pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy

It’s the utmost expression of individualized therapeutic application of iSiPS, in order to cure every individual case of disease in a predictively certain and maximally efficient manner. It’s applied photodynamic simpleness: experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦therapeutic. Photodynamic homœopathic simplenees is the quintessence of the true Art and Technique (applied Science) of Healing, founded in 1796 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).

Simple · Forever · Similar advocates the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity!

6. Medical Education & Training

University education is a critical field of transmission of knoweledge and skills. For centuries there has been a major knowlegde gap in university education. Namely, the gap in knowledge of the fundamentals, the essential part of the ubiquitous and universal phenomenon of analogy/likeness/similitude. Obviuously, such a knowledge gap exists in medical Education and Training too. Filling in it, is our raison d’être!Awareness · Education · Empowerment with Simple · Forever · Similar.

An array of knowledge and teaching resources

Our comprehensive suite of knowledge and teaching resources fills in the vacuity of the major knowledge gap existing in secondary, higher and university education. The supreme light of inherent simpleness in the principle of simillitud (iSiPS) is our major educational resource.

Simple · Forever · Similar

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

  • An Educational Programme on iSiPS
  • An ISIPS course of lectures
  • Filling in the major knowledge gap existing in medical Education and Training in the light of iSiPS
  • Photodynamic simpleness, and its individualized therapeutic application, for the sake of therapeutic efficiency
  • Seminal iSiPS teaching of its wide range of applications, for the sake of efficiency, in all areas of human activity
  • A synthetic-theoretical Research Programme on iSiPS applications
  • A Members’ Area
  • A teaching work in progress…

Les Origines. Paul Sérusier, 1910. Inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), simple · forever (for always) · similar, the supreme Law, the fundamental principle, the epistemological premise of the existence, underlying the ubiquitous and universal phenomenon of analogy/similitude. ISiPS generative transformation: energy : light : matter : life enables us to understand the origins of cosmos, life, nature, mankind,…
Tétraèdres. Paul Sérusier, 1910, Paris. Tetrahedron (a solid shape with four flat sides that are triangular). According to Pythagoras, tetrahedron (Pythagoras’ Tetractys) would be the elemental analogy¦energy building block of the universe. It’s a material expression of iSiPS.

Simple · Forever · Similar iSiPS Teaching

  • Teaching by lectures and seminars on the actuality of iSiPS in nature, and in areas of human life striving for efficiency
  • iSiPS wokshops
  • A world of thought-provoking articles on iSiPS
  • Studies of photodynamic simpleness: experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦therapeutic, i.e., homœopathic.
  • Articles, lectures and seminars on simpleness in Hahnemann‘s philosophical-scientific-medical original work.
  • Face-to-face and online teaching.
  • Awareness, Education and Empowerment campaign, iSiPS teaching based, for the use of the noun phrase photodynamic homœopathic simpleness, instead of the oxymorons “homeopathic medicine” and “homeopathic remedy”, in medical scientific communication.
  • Advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity!
  • Awareness, Education and Empowerment campaign, in the light of iSiPS, for the elaboration, passage and entry in force of the overduephotodynamic homœopathic simpleness Law’, in order to protect and promote pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy! Only in this way will be its necessary perfection guaranteed, for the good of the humanity!

“The supreme Law and the philosopher’s stone of the wise physician : simpleness!

Sind die Hindernisse der Gewissheit und Einfachheit der practischen Arzneykunde unübersteiglich? 1797

(Are the hurdles to certainty and simpleness in practical Technique of analogy¦energy unitiies insurmountable?)

* Founder of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, and discoverer of the method of dynamizing (dematerializing)/potentizing (1827) analogy¦energy mediatory unities, that is, discoverer of photodynamic simpleness: experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦ therapeutic, i.e., its scientific individualized therapeutic application. He discovered photodynamic homœopathic simpleness!

Are we really aware of the implications for therapeutics of being simpleness the supreme Law and philosopher’s stone of the wise physician?

Nature morte à la branche de pommier, Paul Sérusier, 1923. An example of decorative symbolist harmonious semiotic simpleness. In this painting, harmonious chromatism sustains all the composition. Two fruits of the same branch: a symbol of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS)!

More information about photodynamic homœopathic simpleness at the Members’ Area

Hi! Hello!

What does Hi!/Hello! mean? Where does this exclamtion used as a greeting come from?

Guess it!

The answer is impressively simple.

It has to do with inherent simpleness in the priniciple of similitude (iSiPS)! That’s the reason why we publish this first section of this piece of writing of this independent website, Simple · Forever · Similar, devoted to iSiPS teaching, under the title of Hi!, Hello!

According to some linguistic scholars, Iberian Rommany may be considered the first language of rational mankind! Relics of Iberian Rommany are preserved in word compilations (dictionaries). One out of them is George Borrow’s work, The Zincali or an account of the Gypsies of Spain with an original collection of their song and poetry, with a copious dictionary of their language. In two Volumes. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1841.

In Vol II, The Zincali,.Vocabulary of their Language, page. 14, we find a linguistic pearl out, namely, the Iberian Romamny noun bichola that means ‘likeness, similitude’!

We understand now that Spanish Hola!, as well as English Hello! or its more informal and very common form Hi! are nothing less than phonetic/semantic dissimilations of their primary etymon bichola.

Therefore, always when we speak the exclamation Hi! Hello! it is because we want to communicate ourselves with someone like us, similar to us.

So Hola!, Hello!, Hi!,… Chinese Ni hao! or Basque Kaixo! are all greetings, exclamations of likeness!, that we address to individuals, persons who by themselves are like us.

By the way, we have also learnt where does the word ‘like’ com from! From Iberian Romamny bichola! Remark its dissimilated consonantal code [ch l] = [k l]!

Moreover, we realize that the Iberian Rommany word bichola contains the code [icho] from which is derived the personal pronom used as the subject of a verb when the speker or writer is referring to himself/herself: I ; German Ich; Spanish Yo; Italian Io; Basque Ni [here we should also take into consideration the Iberain Rommany anaraniá ‘Amen; so be it; so be certain’],…

This fact means that when I say Hello!, I’m semiotically denoting that “the one I’m is greeting someone/others like me”, i.e.,“I that I am like you”!

As you see, we are talking continuously about the marvel of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitud (iSiPS), the epistemological premise of the existence, the gernerative force governing the likeness of single entities!

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

The ubiquitous and universal phenomenon of analogy

If a phenomenon of the existence is present everywhere, at all times, and involving all the people, all the species and all real things existing in the physical universe, it is the phenomenon of analogy/likeness/similitude. «The nature of this universe is in all things alike» (Golden Verses of Pythagoras_52) and «What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun» (Ecclesiastes 1:9) are two well-known ancient sentences, written many centuries ago, that quote the most ubiquitous and universal existing phanomenon of existence, i.e., that of analogy/similitude. However, since «being everywhere ist still the surest way to fade away (to disappear gradually)», we don’t see, we scarcely realize its presence. We are, in general, unaware of its ubiquity and universality.

Motion is a property, a special quality belonging to every immaterial & material analogy¦energy unity (Æi). Panta rei, “all is flowing”, generative transformation: energy : light : (H+, water) matter : life, photosynthesis, motion, time, rhythmus, harmony, pulsation, rotation, vortices, seasons, migrations, growth, development, dissemination, reproduction, fruits of the same branch, photo-homœorhesis of living systems, mimetism, adaptation, organic parity and symmetry, self-similarity, fractals, scales, proportions, measures, models, samples,… are expressions, i.e., examples, of the ubiquitous and universal phanomenon of analogy/similitude.

«Like-likes-like because of an intermediate of unlikes» (R. Feynman) is the basis of the like-like attraction. It happens not only in physico-chemical domain, but in all dimensions of existence. Brotherhood, parenthood, friendship, playing, assemblage, mating, sex, and reproduction are other basic facets of the phenomenon of analogy/likeness/similtude.

Every phenomenon has a fundamentals. Logically, every phenomenon happening arises from, stands upon a primary source, a firm basis. Though, the question is: which is the essence, the kernel of the principile of similitude? What makes it a principle? Which is actually the fundamental, primordial principle? How to formulate it as a noun phase?

Simple · Forever · Similar

  • Medieval wisdom and modern thinking

“In the Middle Ages, not all the folds of the human and cosmic lock were known, but the key, which is God, was possessed. Since Descartes, this lock has been thoroughly explored, it has been described in an increasingly detailed manner, but in this search, the key has been lost! The world and man have become locks without a key. Moreover, modern thought as a whole is no longer even concerned with the nature or existence of this key. The only question that arises when faced with a closed door is to examine it very seriously, and not to open it!”

Gustave Thibon L’échelle de Jacob, Lyon: Lardanchet, 1942; rééd. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1942.

Though this metaphor reflects a cultural phenomenon ocurring since the 17th century, and we now find ourselves in the 21th century, beyond the postmodernity, it also highlights the current complete lack of awareness of the nature or existence of the key to success in processing information and acting efficiently to solve problems (closed, locked doors).

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

A hitherto unknown firm basis of the principle of similitude

An independent synthetic-theoretical researcher was trying to ascertain and understand why Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) postulated that the Technique (applied Science) of Healing, by him discovered and taught, was itself based upon the sole Law of cure existing in nature, namely, the Law of cure by individualized semiotic similitude.

This educated scholar was trying to understand what really do mean the words ‘law’ and ‘principle’. After many years of fruitless lingustic and etymological research, finally at the beginning of 2013, he found something impressive…

The rest of this entry (piece of written information) will be published after the forthcoming LMHI Congress that will be held in Utrecht (The Netherlands) from 14 to 17 May 2025. The title of this entry is the one that will give an oral presentation and a not yet published preprint their particular name. The oral presentation will be given, if accepted, at that Congress.

In the meanwhile, we may only refer to Gellert‘s poem quoted by Hahnemann at he beginning of the Organon of the rational Healing Technique (1810, first edition).

Simple · Forever · Similar

For always, for ever (forever)

For always is an adverb that means ‘forever’, ‘at all times’, ‘without exception’, ‘on every occasion’. Indicating extent in time, ‘for always’ denotes ‘perpetuity, endless duration’. Infinitely, from age to age, from generation to generation are other adverbs denoting the same idea. Indicating extent in time, ‘for always’ denotes ‘perpetuity, endless duration’.

Forever, also for ever, is used to say that a particular situation or state will always exist.

At this point, you are certainly realizing, dear reader, as the aforementioned discoverer of iSiPS did realize too, that the Iberian Rommany primary etymon presimelo ‘beginning’ [pre – simelo: consonantal code pr – sm] is phonetically equivalent to ‘for – always‘ (on account of p≈f, m≈w phonetic dissimilations); in Spanishsiem-pre‘ [sm · pr]!

‘For always’, ‘at all times’, ‘without exception’,… are bare essentials of a real fundamental principle, of a true, genuine Law. It applies to inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), simple · (for always) forever · similar, the long searched for, finally found, fundamental principle, supreme Law, and driving force of the existence!

Moreover, presimelo [prsm] ‘beginning’ also is the primary etymological source of Latin ‘perennis‘ [prnnsprms] ‘perennial’. This is an adjective meaning characterized by continued ocurrence or recurrence over a relatively long period of time, i.e., continuing for a very long time, happening again and again. It carries the implication of existence over an indeterminate number of years. The idea of exhaustlesness is often conneted. In current use, probably because of the application of the term to plants that die down to the root and spring up again seasonally over a number of years, the implication of continual recurrence or constant renewal is perhaps more common.

Let’s remember that adjectives everlasting, endless, interminable, unceasing are comparable when they mean continuing on and on without end. Unlike infinite, eternal, and similar words, these terms do not presuppose the absence of a beginning and therefore usually have reference pnly to continued extent or duration. However, everlasting is often used interchangeably with eternal, differing from it only in placing more stress on the fact of enduring throughout time than on the quality of being independent of time or of all similar human limitations. Therfore, in serious use, everlasting, rather than eternal, is applied to material things or earthly conditions which endure, or seem to endure, forever.

It is on account of the Iberian Rommany etymon presimelo [simple · for always/forever · similar] that we are able to understand why for always/forever is a keynote, the central idea, of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), the supreme Law, the fundamental principle, the driving force of the existence!

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

Why simpleness instead of simplicity?

Because (for the simple reason that) simpleness [Spanish simpleza; French simplesse], (simple + suffix -ness), is the plain noun, directly derivated from Iberian Rommany primary etymon presimelo, the primary source of simple · forever (for always) · similar unity. Phonetically, simpleness sounds, likewise presimelo, without any dental (d/t) consonant. It was under the late influence of Latin, that the consonantal dental (d/t) infection occurred (Latin simplicitas), which as lingua franca transformed the former suffix -ness into the new Latinized one -ity. Thus, Spanish: simpleza > simplicidad; French: simplesse > simplicité; English: simpleness > simplicity. So, historically, linguistically simpleness is the former, the first one of the two. Simpleness is phonetically nearer to the beginning, to the principle (presimelo), it’s its same essence.

Moreover, simpleness has a plus value over simplicity. Namely, simpleness implies choiced material nothingness, lack of anything. It implies (spiritual) pureness, i.e., material poorness in a higher degree than simplicity. It is said that God is the richest and poorest of beings. God is everything, but God has nothing. (Gustave Thibon, L’échelle de Jacob. Pauvreté de Dieu. 1942).

Furthernore, in science, it has been postulated that the firmest, most solid, fundamental things stand upon, begin with a trivial proposition (Wagensberg J, 2010). Triviality (a matter that -apparently- is not important) always is the basis of the firmest, most solid things. A very strong triviality lies behind the physical laws. (Apparent) triviality applies perfectly to simpleness, to scientific simpleness, to inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) as supreme Law and driving force of the existence, the firm basis, the primary source of photodynamic simpleness (Hahnemann): experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦therapeutic.

Likewise, it applies to every photodynamic homœopathic simpleness, which is a qualitative specific electro-magnetic –photodynamic– frequency. Though, a qualitative specific photodynamic frequency, which is well known by the effects (dyshomœorhetic¦semiotic unity) it can by itself cause on healthy subjects experimentally. Obviously, every photodynamic homœopathic simpleness must be well choosen diagnostically-therapeutically, namely, by individualizad semiotic similitude, according to the Law of cure by individualized semiotic similitude (similia similibus). Such a photodynamic homœopathic simpleness will be the indicated one to a given evolutive phase of an individual case of disease, and a cure will result in a predictively certain and maximally efficient manner.

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

Why pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy?

Because the qualifiers “pure” and “perfectly simple” are necessary for overcoming the widespread existing confusion between pseudohomeopathy and Homœopathy in the media and in today’s society. Specially, because there are clauses referring to “homeopathic medicines” in the pharmaceutical legislation in force, which are explicitly written to promote pseudohomeopathy (beheaded of any scientific simpleness) in order to supplant true Homœopathy, generate such a confusion, and aimed at “annihilating” pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy “legally”.

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was who introduced the neologisms ‘homœopathic’ (1807) and ‘Homœopathy’ (1810) into medical, scientific communication, in order to call apropriately the true Technique (applied Science) of Healing by him founded.

However, in 1832, Hahnemann realized that “Homœopathy” was misunderstood and misapplied in the same cradel of Homœopathy, in Leipzig, where he had for the first time taught it. Namely, most of its practitioners were downgrading Homœopatthy to pseudoscientific pseudohomeopathy, whithout being able to prove any scientific predictive certainty, nor any therapeutic efficiency, in the midst of several therapeutic variables. Consequently, Hahenemann decided to add the qualifiers ‘pure’ [reine] and ‘perfectly simple’ [ganz einfache] to his neologism Homœopathy, in order to make it easily distinguishable from any kind of pseudohomeopathy.

We may see these qualifiers describing Homœopathy in his works: Ein Wort an die Leipziger Halb-Homöopathen (1832); An meine ächten Schüler (1833); Organon of the Healing Art and Technique, 5th ed., Preface (1833); Samuel Hahnemann’s Allocution (Paris, 1835); and Organon of the Healing Art and Technique, 6th ed., Preface and § 273 (1842).

It should be remembered that pure, simple denote free from everything that is foreign to the true nature or the essential character of the thing specified. Pure distinctively suggests freedom from intermixture. When applied to concrete things, it usually implies lack of contamination, adulteration, or pollution <pure water> <a pure breed>. When applied to an abstraction or to a concrete example of an abstracion, it implies the absence of everything that would obscure the thing in its essence or in its ideal character <pure poetry> <an institute devoted to pure physics, as distinct from applied physics>. Simple stresses singleness of character and is distinguished from what is compound or complex. It can connote homogeneity and incapacity for analysis or further reduction <an element is a simple substance>. Singleness is the quality of being single. Something single is not accompanied or supported by, or combined or united with, another.

Therefore, Simple · Forever · Similar advocates the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause!

Simple · Forever · Similar

Why we talk about analogy¦energy unities?

We don’t talk about matter, nor about materials, nor about medicines, remedies, drugs,… We have coined the noun phrase analogy¦energy unity, and we talk about analogy¦energy unities (Æis) only. Analogy¦energy unities (Æis) are the building blocks of the universe. They can be immaterial ones, as a photon, an idea, a mental image, a symbol,… or material ones, as a proton (H+), the nucleus of hydrogen, the most stable structure of the universe, the firm basis of matter and life. Other examples of apparently material analogy¦energy unities (Æis) are any mineral, any living thing, i.e., a cell, a plant, an animal, or the human being,…

The actuality of the Iberian Rommany primary etymon anaraniá [‘Amen; so be it/certain’], the etymological primary source of the words analogy and energy, introduces us directly to the ubiquitous and universal phanomenon of analogy¦energy unities existing in reality, i.e., in cosmos and nature.

The noun phrase analogy¦energy unity (Æi) overcomes the wave-particle duality of matter and energy advantageously and definitely. The same Einstein‘s equivalence between mass and energy is overwhelmed by this noun phrase semantically. It is specially important when dealing with immaterial entities, such as a photon, an electro-magnetic frequency, a quantum of information, an idea, an impressive apprehension, a mental image. a symbol, and when dealing with the human being, which is an unique analogy¦energy unity, endowed with spirit [< Iberian Rommany chanisperó ‘spirit’].

Analogy and energy go always together, as if they were two faces of the same coin. We cannot separate the one from the other. Analogy¦energy unity introduces us into the dynamic reality of existence, into the reversible generative transformation of analogy¦energy unities: energy : light : matter (H+, water) : life in cosmos and nature, and it overcomes the false materialistic points of views of reality.

Moreover, it allows us to understand the true meaning of the important German word Arznei, profusely employed and used by Hahnemann in his medical scientific work, namely, analogy¦energy unity (Æi). We argue and explain that Arznei is a living relic, a phonetic/semantic dissimilation of the Iberian Rommany primary etymon anaraniá.

“These active substances and forces [Arzneien] which we have at our service, effect the cure of diseases by means of the same dynamic power of altering the actual state of health,…” (Spirit of the Homœopathic Doctrine of Healing, Hahnemann,1813). Substance(s) and force(s) are equivalent to the analogy¦energy unity (Æi) we talk about.

The noun phrase analogy¦energy unity (Æi) suits perfectly photodynamic simpleness: experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦therapeutic. It suits photodynamic homœopathic simpleness,… for the sake of efficiency. It suits pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, founded by Hahnemann. Analogy¦energy unity is another clear expression of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), the epistemological premise of the existence.

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

Why should we always distinguish pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, as a Technique (applied Science) of Healing, from pseudohomeopathy, as a mere therapy?

Because pervasive forces of biomedical-technocratic capitalism try to make people believe at any cost that Homœopathy is a therapy, i.e., a complementary therapy contributing to the improvement of people’s wellbeing. They try to make people believe that Homœopathy is a complementary therapy pertaining to the so called “integrative medicine”, always subordinated to dominant enantiopathic (contraria contrariis) therapeutic dogma. They try to make people believe that according to the pharmaceutical legislation in force, “homeopathic medicines” are to be dispensed, i.e., given out to people by pharmacists in drugstores, or that they are for sale over the counter without a prescription. They conceal the oxymoronic and pseudoscientific character of the noun phrase “homeopathic medicines”. A medicine, a medicinal product, as well as a remedy, by definition is a material compound [1+] acting enantiopathically (contraria contrariis) according to the materialistic, pseudoscientific old school! They fully exploit their so-called ‘homeopathic medicines’ lucratively. They promote pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, in order to “annihilate” pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy “legally”, for the sole reason that it is non lucrative, non patentable. They deny the firm basis of science, namely, predictive certainty, and therapeutic efficiency. They will that the physician cannot prove any effectiveness of a given photodynamic homœopathic simpleness -amidst multiple therapeutic variables-, and that physicians cannot really learn anything about the true Technique (applied Science) of Healing, and that they cannot contribute anything to its necessary perfection (Hahnemann, Org 5-6 § 274).

We see how much they corrupt and deny iSiPS individualized therapeutic application, i.e., Hahnemann‘s original legacy, namely, pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, the true Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case of disease in a predictively certain and maximally efficient manner. They corrupt and deny photodynamic simpleness: experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦therapeutic, as well as photodynamic homœopathic simpleness. They corrupt and deny the ABC of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, and its supreme scientificity.

Therefore we must always distinguish pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy from pseudohomeopathy, i.e., from spurious, pseudoscientific “Homeopathy”.

Simple · Forever · Similar

On the alleged complexity of women, in the sense of being difficult to understand by men

Why do men claim that it is difficult to understand women?

In the following reproduced paragragh (in French) we find an answer:

“Les femmes sont complexes… Mais non! Elles sont étrangement simples, transparentes, pénétrables. Nos bras, en se fermant sur elles, les contiennent toutes, un baiser leur va jusqu’à l’âme. C’est nous qui compliquons les choses avec elles, et nous appelons cela complexité. La prétendue complexité des femmes réside uniquement dans l’impuissance des hommes à saisir leur simplicité.” G. Thibon, Ce que Dieu a uni. Essai sur l’amour. 2ème partie. II. Femmes. Librairie Artème Fayard, 1962. Reéd., 2002. p. 167-168.

Its translation into English:

“Women are complex … But no! They are strangely penetrable, simple, transparent. Our arms, closing on them, contain them all, a kiss goes to their soul. It’s us who complicate things with them, and we call it complexity. The alleged complexity of women lies solely in the men’s powerlessness to grasp their simplicity.”

Portrait de jeune bretonne, Paul Sérusier, 1916.

Replacing the term women by the noun phrases ‘individual living systems’ or ‘individual clinical cases’, those sentences metaphorically apply to the alleged complexity of individual living systems, of individual clinical cases too. Their alleged complexity would lie solely in the physicians’ powerlessness to grasp iSiPS actuality, i.e., to grasp the state of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude existing in reality!

Complexity theories of alleged complex adaptive systems, e.g. the human being, are biased by omission. They neglect: human being’s life¦spirit unity; the (untuned) immune photohomœorhesis of living systems; the starting point of illness, the only existing real therapeutic target; the dyshomœorhetic¦semiotic unity of every undividual case of disease;… Such theories result from the major knowlegde and incomplete information gap existing in university education, and in medical education and training. It biases the logic of graduates, doctorates, and research scientists.

For reasons already stated (see iSiPS page) complexity theories of alleged complex adaptive systems, and of their dysfunctions and conditions, can be easily debunked by recent iSiPS unveiling and teaching, and by its successfull individualized therapeutic application.

Scientific postulates, i.e., statements that are accepted as true, that form the basis of theories, have been made basically by men. However, it is on account of the alleged men’s difficulty to grasp simpleness that complexity theories have been formulated to such a great degree.

Men’s problem to grasp simpleness has a biological root cause. Men have two [1+] kinds of gametes (spermatozoa), those having 23XX chromosomes, and those having 23XY ones. All women’s gametes (ovula), on the contrary, carry 23XX chomosomes, i.e., they are of one kind [1] only. Moreover, men cannot get pregnant, as women can. Every pregnancy experience (Spanish embarazo < presimelo [prsm]), i.e., the state of being pregnant of a woman, having a baby developing inside her body, does constitute an intimate biological unity [1], the state of being joined together to form one unit, wherein the woman may assimilate the joy of unity (simpleness) for ten moon cycles!

It explains why the history of science -basically men-made!- is plenty of “principles” (plural in form)! Descartes’ “Principia philosophia” (1664), or Isaac Newton’s “Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica” (1687) are a good proof of it. More recent treatises, such as William Osler’s The Principles and Practice of Medicine (1892), Herbert A. Roberts’ The Principles and Art of Cure by Homœopathy (1936), Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (1950), or Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology (1950s) use the term “principles” (plural in form) too.

The Anglo-Saxon tendency to use nouns (especially those ending in -s, –ics, or -ness) although plural in form, singular in number and in meaning, and requiring singular verb forms (e.g. principles, axis, basis, fundamentals, means, news, simpleness, likeness, firmness, dizziness, optics, physics, mathematics, economics, calculus, measles, mumps, rickets,…) is a clear expression of the Anglo-Saxon expansive spirit (e.g. large amounts (of anything), large open spaces, large plants, large enterprises, very large buildings, grand scales, big large sizes, large series, meta-analyses,…It get drunk on the open air, the elements, the open space,…)…. At the end, the American belief that “more is better”.

Such a tendency is an overt manifestation of the hitherto Anglo-Saxon men’s inability to grasp the importance of simpleness (< Iberian presimelo, Spanish simpleza). Since the end of the Second World War, philosophy of science have become victim of the same language it has been using as a lingua franca, as shared language of scientific communication, i.e., English.

Using nouns although plural in form, singular in meaning, such as ‘principles‘, researchers and philosophers of science have hitherto failed to understand completely that inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) is the supreme Law, simple · forever · similar, epistemological premisse, firm basis, fundamental principle of, and driving force behind the existence, as well as of/behind the scientific method! The impressive actuality of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) could only have been unveiled and formulated by an Iberian spirit (< chanisperó), who appreciates the value of tiny things, wherein space and world are concentrated.

(G Thibon, Destin de l’Homme, Ivresse de la nature. Desclée, De Brouwer, 1941, p.18-19.)

Awareness · Education · Empowerment

Why is iSiPS Teaching so important and necessary nowadays?

Because iSiPS teaching fills in the major knowledge gap existing in university education, in general, and in medical education and training, in particular. This knowledge gap is the lack of iSiPS awareness, the lack of iSiPS knowledege. Awareness of the importance and transcendence of iSiPS is missing in university education. Therefore its impressive actuality is not taught.

Such a knowledge gap existing in university education biases graduates’ and postgraduates’ logic, reasoning, decision-making, and procedures towards material enantiopathic (‘contraria contrariis‘) interventions. Therefore, current pharmacotherapeutic standards are negatively biased by this knowledge gap, i.e., by the lack of iSiPS awareness, by the absence of iSiPS knowledge.

This knowledge gap existing in medical education and training affects homœopathtic physicians too, and consequently they are completely unaware of the importance and transcendence of iSiPS. Their logic and decision-making is also biased by the lack of iSiPS awareness.

  • Homeopaths’ unawareness of the impressive actuality of iSiPS is responsible for several facts:
    • scientific self-debasement of medical homeopathic Associations, i.e., tacit renunciation of human being’s life¦spirit unity, and of therapeutic efficiency and predictive certainty, in the frame of acquiescent subordination to the dominant enantiopathic (‘contraria contrariis‘) dogma, as “complementary therapy”, as spurious pseudohomeopathy, in the bosson of the so-called “integrative medicine” and the so-called “paradigm of complexity”, amidst multiple concurrent therapeutic variables;
    • homœopaths’ inability to explain the “mechanism of action” of homœopathic active principles successfully;
    • inability to advocate the supreme scientificity of individual chronic cases in the way of healing since a photodynamic homœopathic simpleness, as sole therapeutic variable, chosen according to individualized semiotic similitude, and after the failure of other previous apparently well indicated;
    • uncritical use of the oxymorons “homeopathic medicine” and “homeopathic remedy” in medical homœopathic communication, that fail to translate the German noun phrase ‘homöopathische Arznei‘ properly;
    • uncritical use of the noun phraseMateria medicapura/homeopathica in medical homœopathic communication. It is a Latinism according to the material pre-scientific old-school, that fails to translate the German noun phrase ‘Reine Arzneimittellehre‘ appropriately;
    • uncritical use of the plural noun phrase “theoretical bases“, e.g. ‘Department of Theoretical Bases’, as if there would exist a plurality of “bases”, instead of Department of Doctrine. It’s another overt example of iSiPS unawareness among the ‘medical homeopathic Associations’. A really complete lack of awareness of iSiPS, although photodynamic simpleness: experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦ therapeutic, provides the sole solid basis, the only sound foundation upon which pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy stands scientifically.
    • total silence facing the pharmaceutical legislation in force, that promotes the transient palliative enantiopathic (‘contraria contrariis‘) dogma, and at the same time corrupts and denies the individualized therapeutic/sanative application of iSiPS for the sake of efficiency and for the good of the humanity!;
    • acquiescent consent to clauses referring to “homeopathic medicines” in the pharmaceutical legislation in force. Clauses aimed at promoting pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, supplanting Homœopathy. These clauses are the cornerstone of pervasive forces of biomedical capitalism strategy to “annihilate” pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy “legally”, and to conceal its supreme scientificity;
    • the widespread confusion pseudohomeopatthy¦Homœopatthy, existing socially and in the media;
    • a major epistemological problem affecting most of “homœopathic medical Associations” and their associates, namely, the lack of a scientific discourse capable of explaining the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy successfully!
    • unawareness of the firm basis of the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, conceived and founded by Hahnemann as Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case of disease. Namely, predictive certainty and therapeutic efficiency.

The Flock in the Dark Forest, Paul Sérusier, 1903. A group of sheeps of the same type following the shepherd: a symbol of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS)!