Simple · Forever · Similar News (SFS News) will provide accurate information about any new evidence supporting the impressive actuality of iSiPS.
It is already providing information about the events and factors that have determined, forged and influenced our beginnings and our evolution as an Independent non-profit Educational Organization dedicated to iSiPS teaching, advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity.
In the light of iSiPS we explain the very foundations of the existence for the benefit of all.
The image [Hosanna] expresses the joy of analogy/likeness/similitude on earth as it is in Heaven! Most probably, it is a phonetic/semantic dissimilation from the Iberian Rommany etymon chanisperó ‘spirit’, through the intermediaries bichola ‘likeness/similitude’ and anaraniá ‘Amen; so be it: analogy¦energy unity’. In this way, the interjection Hosanna! would introduce us to the impressive actuality of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), the supreme Law, epistemological premise, firm basis, and driving force of the existence!
December 2024: our first month of December, our first Christmas greetings!
- December: the 12th and last month of the year.
- Calendar: a system by which time is divided into fixed periods, showing the beginning and end of a year.
- Tradition: a belief, custom or way of doing something that has existed for a long time among a particular group of people; a set of these beliefs or customs.
- Greetings: a message of good wishes for somebody’s health, happiness, etc.
- The changing seasons mark the passing of time.
- Season’s greetings! used at Christmas to wish somebody an enjoyable holiday.
- Time and motion are intricately linked concepts in physics and in everyday experience.
- ‘Simple · Forever · Similar‘.
A very strong, though unconscious, sense of time is present in English speech, and one of its most important manifestations is in the clear-cut division between Present Perfect and Past tenses, according to the time of the day when we are speaking.
Examples: (11:00 a.m.) We’ve done a lot of work this morning, haven’t we?
(08:00 p.m.) We did a lot of work this morning, didn’t we?
Filling in the major knowledge and incomplete information gap existing in university education, in general, and in medical Education and Training, in particular, we wish you, dear reader, all the best for the New Year!
A pilot survey. Active participation at the 77th LMHI World Homœopathic Congress in Seville (the Iberian peninsula).
Simple · Forever · Similar is set to improve university educational landscape for the better.
We presented our firm, innovative, plausible scientific discourse that explains the supreme scientificty of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy successfully, for the first time! It was just impressive!
By means of a scientific poster and an oral presentation, the most efficent resources we had available, we had the opportunity to conduct a pilot survey on our firm, innovative, plausible scientific discourse on the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy among physicians of the international homœopathic community. In spite of congressional organizational difficulties, our plan succeeded.
Our pilot survey was done on a small scale in order to see if our firm, innovative, plausible scientific discourse was succesfull enough to be presented on a larger scale. We used this pilot survey as preliminary survey of our research and educational project. The positive feedback on it from homœopathic physicians encourages us to present it at the next LMHI World Homœopathic Congress, that will be held in Utrecht (the Netherlands) on May 2025.
Summer 2024
- Denominarion ‘Simple · Forever · Similar’.
- Independent Educational Organization.
- ISiPS Teaching.
- Advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity.
Our sole ambition is to help men to better contemplate the supreme actuality of iSiPS.
Well aware of our high mission, and with a commitment to truth, we were preparing ourselves for our active participation at the 77th LMHI Homœopathic World Congress, in Seville (Spain).
This Congress would be an unique opportunity to present our innovative, firm, plausible iSiPS-based discourse advocating for the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy to the international homœopathic community. We were obliged to use appropriate, exact, precise terms for the sake of clarity and efficiency in scientific communication
All that helped us very much to ascertain which should be the nouns for our educational organization. The most groundbreaking denomation would be Simple · Forever · Similar. It was in fully accordance with our research and findings. Independence also ought to carachterize our pioneering Educational Organization advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause.
Our main aim is to fill in the major knowledge gap, namely, the lack of iSiPS awareness, the lack of iSiPS knowledge, existing in university education, in general, and in medical education and training, in particular, that biases graduates’ and postgraduates’ logic, reasoning, decision-making, and procedures.
Nobody else is (capable of) doing it!
Board of directors renewal.
Commitment to teaching iSiPS, explaining the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy to the four winds.
Renewal: a situation in which something begins again after a pause or an interruption; a situation in which something is replaced, improved or made more successful.
A renewal that marks the beginning of a generative transformation from a regional (national) Association of beneficiaries of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, into an Independent nonprofit Educational Organization dedicated to teaching inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) world-wide, advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity.
Only in this way, in the light of iSiPS, are we able to explain the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy successfully and for the first time! We ubderstood that the time had come to teach iSiPS world-wide and to raise awareness ot its importance and transcendence, especially among the scientific community. Nobody else is (capable of) doing it!
Such a transformation into an educational organization appeared absolutely necessary, because of the major knowledge gap existing in univertity education, in general, and in medical education and training, in particular. It consists in the lack of iSiPS awareness, of iSiPS knowledge. Most regrettably, it affects the homœopathic community too!
A new era begins with the resignation of four members from the board of directors.
To resign: to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job, an organization, etc.
Resignation: the act of giving up your job or position; the occasion when you do this; ex resignation from the board of directors.
On 16th March 2024 resigned four members of the board of directors of the Catalan Association for Unicist Homœopathy, Visca l’Homeopatia! (Hooray for Homœopaty!).
It marked the end of a first period of seven years of the Association, and the beginning of a new era. The pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause is worth more than a person’s life. Everyone is needed, though no one is necessary. God is the only necessary (unum necessarium), but his kingdom is not of this world. In reality a period characterized especially by some new order of things, namely, a better intellectual era was dawning. As “every cloud has a silver lining”, every sad or difficult situation has a positive side. Nobody said that our pioneering way would be easy! As on every odyssey a time fraught with difficulties and frustration occurs.
“We must teach those who do not know better, with the purpose of opening the eyes of everyone.” This quote from M Servet (1537) reinforces the ultimate goal of our pioneering Association, namely, iSiPS teaching, while advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity. It is very important and necessary, especially when facing the major knowledge gap existing in university education, in general, and in medical education and training, in particular, i.e., the lack of iSiPS awareness, the absence of iSiPS knowledge, that biases graduates’ and postgraduates’ logic and decision-making.
A.M.H.B. Conference, Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona, the Iberian peninsula)
Conference: a large official meeting, usually lasting for a few days, at which people with the same work or interests come together to discuss their views.
On May 2023 the Catalan Association for Unicist Homœopathy, Visca l’Homeopatia! (Hooray for Homœopaty!) attended a three day conference on Homœopathy, which was held in Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona). For the first time it had the opportunity to present its innovative, firm, plausible scientific discourse explaining the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy to the homœopathic community.
An oral presentation on the urgent need to replace the acritical use of the term “homeopathic medicine” in scientific communication was given at the conference.
Thanks to linguistic research we may appropiately translate the German feminin noun phrase ‘homöopathische Arznei‘ into English as ‘homœopathic simpleness‘.
It was the result of our awareness of the importance and transcendence of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) in all domains of cosmos, nature and life.
The impact of the solid evidences presented supporting the impressive actuality of iSiPS, made that a considerable number of assistents joined our Association.
10th September 2016
Foundation of the Catalan Association for Uncist Homœopathy, Visca l’Homeopatia! (Hooray for Homœopathy!).
In the spring and summer of 2016 the educated scholar, independent researcher and scientific physician who discovered iSiPS put some fellows in contact with each other in order to organize themselves into an Association teaching iSiPS and advocating the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause.
This pioneering independent Association of beneficiaries of the Hahnemannian quality of Homœopathy was founded on 10th September 2016. It’s the first and the sole existing independent homœopathic Catalan patients’ Association ever since.
As independent Organization it distinguishes from ordinary homeopathic patients’ Associations by having no complicity in the policy of pervasive forces of biomedical capitalism. Neither in the homeopathic pharmaceutical industry, nor in the current biomedical paradigm, through its enantiopathic (‘contraria contrariis‘) dogma, and its pharmaceutical legislation in force. A legislation which is aimed at promoting pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, to supplant Homœopathy “similia similibus“, and at promoting the so-called “integrative medicine”, so as to “annihilate” pure, pefectly simple Homœopathy “legally”.
In the light of iSiPS, guided and inspired by Hahnemann‘s original philosophical-scientific-medical seminal work, the Catalan Association for Unicist Homœopathy, Visca l’Homeopatia! (Hooray for Homœopathy!) has actively contributed to increase public awareness of the overall strategy to annihilate pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy developed by pervasive forces of biomedical capitalism. The sole reason is that pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy is curative, i.e., sanative, though non lucrative/non patentable! Moreover pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy challenges the alleged therapeutic “scientificty” of dominant enantiopatic (‘contraria contrariis‘) pharmacotherapeutic standards. Therefore it doesn’t interest biomedical-technocratic capitalism at all. Such a strategy is the pharmaceutical legislation in force and its oxymoronic and pseudoscientific clauses referring to “homeopathic medicines”!
Only in this way can the biomedical-technocratical capitalism manage to mantain itself in power in alliance with the Estates.
Disclosing such a strategy, the Catalan Association for Unicist Homœopathy, Visca l’Homeopatia! (Hooray for Homœopathy!) has been the only existing organization that has realized the great untruth that permits the biomedical-technocratical capitalism to implement its pseudotherapeutic, material, only transient palliative enantiopathic dogma in health systems.
March 2016
The Rectorate governing the University of Barcelona unschedules the master’s degree in Homœopathy.
At the beginning of March 2016 the Rectorate of the University of Barcelona (UB) unscheduled the Master programme in Homœopathy, that it was offering since year 2004 as a biannual continuing education for health postgraduates. The unfavourable opinion of the Dean of the UB Faculty of Medicine backed that decision, and, in an official press release, it was alleged that “Homœopathy lacks a scientific basis”.
It represented the most severe academic disqualification that Homœopathy had ever suffered in a western country. The media re-echoed profusely the news, and it had serious negative consequences for the social acceptance of Homœopatthy.
Such an academic unscheduling was another action of the Great Offensive against individualized therapeutic application of scientific simpleness, i.e., pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, launched in August 2005. However, the most regretful thing is that it provided the most evident proof of the major knowledge and incomplete information gap existing in university education, in general, and in medical education and training, in particular. Namely, the lack of iSiPS awareness, of iSiPS knowledge, that biases graduates’ and postgraduates’ logic, reasoning and decision-making, and of which they are completely unaware,
Furthermore, such an academic decision was unscientific, because it failed in its epistemological duty to distinguish current pseudohomœopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, from pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, conceived and founded by Hahnemann as Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case of disease in a predictively certain, and maximally efficient manner.
Let’s remenber thar iSiPS is the generative force governing the likeness of single entitites, and their generative transformation. Furthermore, it’s the very foundadtion of all experience/knowledge/evidence. Moreover, it’s the firm basis, the primary source of every step of the scientific method, of predictive certainty, of operative efficiency, of reproducibility, of every simulation, of scientific simpleness,….
However, the real bad news was that the homœopathic community, i.e., homœopathic medical Associations and their associates, had not a scientific discourse that was able to explain the supreme scientificity of the Technique (applied Science) of Healing founded by Hahnemann plausibly. Why? Because homœopathic physicians’ medical education and trainig suffers from the same knowledge and incomplete information gap too!
Such an important event spurred the discoverer of ISIPS on to teach it, in order to fill in the major knowledge gap existing in university education.
He was well aware that the supreme scientificty of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy can only be explained in the light of iSiPS successfully and for the first time!
2015. Something must be done.
- The time had come for the discoverer of iSiPS to act, and to state categorically that,,,
- … iSiPS teaching in medical education and training is an epistemological duty.
- … the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy can be explained in the light of iSiPS successfully, and for the first time!
- … a firm, innovative, plausible scientific discourse on the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopoathy ought to be carefully formulated in the light of iSiPS.
- … the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause, and its supreme scientificity, is worth fighting for.
- … a new Independent non-profit Educational Organization aimed at iSiPS teaching ought to be born.
- … iSiPS completes and crowns Hahnemann’s scientific-philosophical-medical seminal work. Indeed, iSiPS makes it even more understable!
Comment (The Lancet, Vol 385 April 11, 2015)
Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?
“A lot of what is published is incorrect.” I’m not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked to observe Chatham House rules. We were also asked not to take photographs of slides. Those who worked for government agencies pleaded that their comments especially remain unquoted, since the forthcoming UK election meant they were living in “purdah”—a chilling state where severe restrictions on freedom of speech are placed on anyone on the government’s payroll. Why the paranoid concern for secrecy and non-attribution? Because this symposium—on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London last week—touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that
something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human creations.
The case against science is straightforward: much of the
scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects,
invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has
taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”. The Academy of Medical
Sciences, Medical Research Council, and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council have now put their reputational weight behind an nvestigation into these questionable research practices. The apparent endemicity of bad research behaviour is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world. Or they retrofit hypotheses to fit their data. Journal editors deserve their fair share of criticism too. We aid and abet the worst behaviours. Our acquiescence to the impact factor fuels an unhealthy competition to win a place in a select few journals. Our love of “significance” pollutes the literature with many a statistical fairy-tale. We reject important confirmations. Journals are not the only miscreants. Universities are in a perpetual struggle for money and
talent, endpoints that foster reductive metrics, such as high-impact publication. National assessment procedures, such as the Research Excellence Framework, incentivise bad practices. And individual scientists, including their most senior
leaders, do little to alter a research culture that occasionally veers close to misconduct.
Can bad scientific practices be fixed? Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivised to be right. Instead, scientists are incentivised to be productive and innovative. Would a Hippocratic Oath for science help? Certainly don’t add more layers of research redtape. Instead of changing incentives, perhaps one could remove incentives altogether. Or insist on replicability statements in grant applications and research papers. Or emphasise collaboration, not competition. Or insist on preregistration of protocols. Or reward better pre and post publication peer review. Or improve research training and mentorship. Or implement the recommendations from our Series on increasing research value, published last year. One of the most convincing proposals came from outside the biomedical community. Tony Weidberg is a Professor of Particle Physics at Oxford. Following several high-profile errors, the particle physics community now invests great effort into intensive checking and rechecking of data prior to publication. By filtering results through independent working groups, physicists are encouraged to criticise. Good criticism is rewarded. The goal is a reliable result, and the incentives for scientists are aligned around this goal. Weidberg worried we set the bar for results in biomedicine far too low. In particle physics, significance is set at 5 sigma—a p value of 3 × 10–7 or 1 in 3·5 million (if the result is not true, this is the probability that the data would have been as extreme as they are).
The conclusion of the symposium was that something must be done. Indeed, all seemed to agree that it was within our power to do that something. But as to precisely what to do or how to do it, there were no firm answers. Those who have the power to act seem to think somebody else should act first. And every positive action (eg, funding well-powered replications) has a counterargument do know (science will become less creative). The good news is that science is beginning to take some of its worst failings very seriously. The bad news is that nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the system. .
Richard Horton The Lancet, Vol 385 April 11, 2015
Fortunately, somebody else was ready to act first, with skill and daring, supreme audacity!, because he did know what to do and how to do it. He was ready to take the first step to fill in the major knowledge and incomplete information gap existing in university education, and in medical education and training, that biases students’, graduates’ and postgraduates’ logic, reasoning, and decison-making.
To dare usually emphasizes boldness (being brave and confident; not afraid to say what one feels ot to take risks). It implies moral courage and may connote great or especial merit. Daring heightens the implication of fearlesness.
“Aude sapere” (‘dare to know’) is the motto, the maxim, the rule of conduct, adopted by Hahnemann and written for the readers as a statement of an aim or ideal on the title page of his Organon of the Healing Art and Technique, 2nd (1819) – 5th (1833) edition.
Very probably the nouns Baske ausardi, ausartu; Spanish audacia, osadía; Latin audeo; audacity, to dare, daring, which all have the dental consonant [d/t], are phonetic/semantic dissimilations from the primary Iberian Rommany etymon siguetder ‘the first one’, in German ‘der (die) Erste’.
The actuality of the Iberian Rommany primary etymon presimelo, that permits unveiling of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) as the long searched fundamental principle of the existence, marks a before and after in philosophy of science, in epistemology. Namely, in the way the principle of similitude is considered.
Since iSiPS discovery, the principle of similitude can no longer be considered separately from the principle of simplicity. ISiPS merges both definitely.
The discoverer of iSiPS understood immediately that the time had come for him to act, and to state categorically that iSiPS teaching in medical education and training is a must, an epistemological duty, because it fills in the major knowledge and incomplete information gap existing in university education. Of such a gap graduates and postgraduates are completely unaware.
It’s precisely the lack of iSiPS awareness what biases their logic, reasoning, decision-making, procedures, and therapeutic standards. Such an unawareness explains, for instance, why the transient palliative only, material enantiopathic (contraria contrariis) dogma, is hegemonically implemented in health systems worldwide nowadays, without being scientifically challenged at all!
ISiPS, the generative force governing the likeness of single entities, is the firm basis of the moral audacity, the supreme audacity, the skill and daring, of this educated scholar.
It made him able to take the courageous decision and pioneering determination to begin teaching the impressive actuality of iSiPS in all domains of cosmos, nature, and human life in order to disseminate and popularize it widely.
2013, iSiPS discovery!
At the beginning of 2013, after many years of linguistic and etymological studies to ascertain the primary meaning of the word ‘principle’, Joaquim Nabona, MD, an independent researcher found and unveiled something groundbreaking. Namely, the existence of an Iberian Rommany primary etymon spelled and written ‘presimelo‘, that means ‘beginning’; ‘principio‘ (in Spanish). Its uniquess lies in the fact that it contains the consonantal code [prsm] of simple, semper- (always, for always/for ever; sempitern), similar (‘semblant’/resemblant). Remind the phonetic equivalences [p≈b], [r≈l]. He realized that such a particular uniquess was a real discovery of something unknown, but groundbreaking and transcendent, that nobody didn’t have realized so far. It explained the true nature of the long searched basic, fundamental, ultimate principle (in singular) of existence for the first time!
Presimelo merges simple · forever · similar, one in another, in a whole! It means that a true principle, understood as a law of nature, an important rule, or a theory that something is based on, is simple, forever, similar. It unifies the so-called “principle of simplicity or parsimony” (Ockham) with the so-called “principle of similitude” definitely, forever! It gives birth to a new noun phrase, to a neologism, namely, inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), simple · forever · similar! It was a true scientific discovery of impressive heuristic value!
We may now realize that iSiPS is the long-searched fundamental principle, firm basis, underlying the ubiquitous and universal phenomenon of analogy/likeness/similitude. It is the generative force governing the likeness of single entities!
Furthermore, this Iberian Rommany etymon not only teach us that we don’t have to speak of “principle of simplicity” and of “principle of similitude” separately any more, but also teach us that inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) is the ‘presime-lo‘, namely, the supreme Law of the existence!
Moreover, iSiPS can explain the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy successfully, and for the fist time! Here lies its paramount epistemological importance and transcendence!
This groundbreaking discovery marks the beginning of a positive revolution in university education, and in medical education and training for the good of the humanity!
Since 2005 a Great Offensive against pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy is carried out!
August 2005, official launch of the Great Offensive against pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy.
The Lancet is a general medical journal that was founded in 1823. It declares that it is a world-leading source of clinical, public health, and global health knowledge. However, its 27th of August 2005 issue published the results of a meta-analysis comparing homoeopathy and allopathy. It stated that homoeopathy fares poorly (is unsuccesfull) when compared with allopathy. Expressing an opinion about “homeopathy’s lack of benefit”, an Editorial of that issue was entitled “The end of homoeopathy”!
The Lancet, Editorial, August 27, 2005
Four (4) objections to the interpretation of the meta-analysis and to this Edidorial must be raised:
- “Of what there is no experience, one can hardly give a certain reason” (St. Teresa of Avila, 1511-1582, M6 9,4). Pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, the Technique (applied Science) of Healing individual cases of disease can only be judged clinically. It cann’t be judged theoretically, statistically. Every homœopathically treated case of disease can only be judged on its clinical outcome, on the result or effect on the individual.
- Without the most minute individualisation, Homœopathy is not conceivable (Hahnemann). The studies chosen for such a meta-analysis were not representative of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy in practice. None of the studies assessed individualised pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, founded by Hahnemann, as Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case of disease in a predictively certain, and maximally efficient manner. The meta-analysis, as well as the Editorial in question failed to distinguish pseudohomeopathy form pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy. They aligned themselves with the pharmaceutical legislation in force, and its oxymoronic clauses referred to “homoeopathic medicines”. They foster pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, in order to supplant pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, and “to annihilate” it “legally”.
- Both meta-analysis and Editorial, aligned themselves around the model of ‘decrowned’ human being of the hegemonic bio-medical paradigm. A human being’s model deprived of ‘crown’, i.e., of spirit, reduced to its bio-material dimension. From such a bio-material model can only result material therapueutic approaches to mutliple molecular targets. Although being in the era of photonic sciences, the authors of the meta-analysis and the Editor of The Lancet neglected the dynamic conception of the origin and essential nature of disesase, which aims to target the starting point of illness of every individual case of disease, in order to restore the integrity, and to optimize the efficiency of the sick’s untuned immune photohomœorhesis.
- Such a meta-analysis, as well as the corresponding Editorial in question resulted from the usual graduates’ and postgraduates’ biased logic and reasoning. It is unable to acknowledge the high educational and scientific value of every individual case of (chronic) disease on the certain way of healing, and with a long follow-up, after a single photodynamic homœopathic simpleness, as sole therapeutic variable, and after the failure of other previous apparently well chosen ones.
These four objections confute the reliability of the above-mentioned meta-analysis and Editorial. Neglecting scientific simpleness, they were used for launching the Great Offensive against pure, perfectly simple Homopathy. In this way The Lancet revealed istself as a servile loudspeaker of pervasive forces of biomedical-technocratic capitalism in alliance with the States, aiming at annihilating pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, for the sole reason, that it is not lucrative, patentable, but curative, sanative, health restoring!
Simple · Forever · Similar
Awareness · Education · Empowerment