We (personal pronom: I and another person or other people; I and you; people in general), us (the object form of we), our (the possessive form of we) are examples of communicative symbols that introduce us to the impressive actuality of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) in human life!
We would like to not have to exist!, but…
We would like to not have to exist!, but the reality of university education, in general, and that of medical education and training, in particular, forces us to exist!
We ascertain that it exists a major knowledge gap in university education and in medical education, namely, lack of iSiPS awareness, of iSiPS knowledge. In other words, unawarennes of the importance and transcendece of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), as epistemological premise of the existence and firm basis of the scientic method it is. Such a knowledge gap biases medical undergraduates’ and graduates’ interpretation of appearances towards false and materialistic wiews concerning the origin and essential nature of diseases.
It is our opinion that such a reductionism can no longer be sustained in the era of photonics, of photonic sciences!
We may say that the discovery of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) is a remarkable achievement that marks a before and an after. It’s the hitherto unknown supreme Law, simple · forever · similar, the fundamental principle underlying the ubiquitous and universal phenomenon of analogy, as well as all phenomena ocurring in nature and human life. ISiPS teaching not only fills in the major knowledge gap existing in university education, but also provides us the key for solving the problems resulting from such a biased medical education and training.
As we explicate through and through on the iSiPS page, simpleness is the most important yet the oft-ignored characteristic of similitude/likeness/analogy.
ISiPS actuality is the only reason we are actually existing as a nonprofit, Independent Educational Organization, termed Simple · Forever · Similar. We prove that the major knowledge gap existing in medical education and training is also responsible for the huge epistemological problem in which the homœopathic community is immersed. Namely, its acquiescent subordination to dominant enantiopathic (contraria contrariis) dogma, and its pharmaceutical legislation in force, as “complementary therapy”, in the bosom of “integrative medicine”, amid multiple concurrent therapeutic variables. In such a frame both therapeutic efficiency and predictive certainty of any therapeutic variable disappear, and the alleged therapeutic effectiveness of a photodynamic homœopathic simpleness can never be proved!
Lack of iSiPS knowledge, unawarennes of iSiPS importance and transcendence among homœopathic doctors is the cause for consenting oxymoronic and pseudoscientific clauses in the pharmaceutical legislation in force, which are explicitly formulated to foster pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, supplanting Homœopathy, in order to “annihilate” pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy “legally”!
Well aware of such a disaster, we are a team of educated scholars, researchers in photonics, scientific physicians, and beneficiaries of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, that under the Hahnemannian impulse, and under the guidance of the independent medical researcher discoverer of iSiPS, have ourselves organized to create Simple · Forever · Similar, a pioneering Independent Educational Organization providing information about the impressive actuality of iSiPS in cosmos, nature, and human life, i.e., a nonprofit Independent Educational Organization dedicated to teaching the utmost importance and transcendence of iSiPS, the generative force governing the likeness of single entiities, and its wide application, for the sake of efficiency, in all areas of human activity.
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