Our ultimate Goal, our main Purpose
is the elaboration, the passage, and entry in force of the overdue ‘photodynamic homœopathic simpleness Law‘, which will protect and promote the necessary perfection of pure, perfectly simple Homœopatthy for the good of the humanity! In parallel with it, it’s necessary to repeal the oxymoronic and pseudoscientific clauses referring to “homeopathic medicines” in the current pharmaceutical legislation in force. Clauses that corrupt and deny the individualized therapeutic application of iSiPS, that promote pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, supplanting Homœopathy, as a “complementary therapy” in the bossom of “integrative medicine”, amid multiple concurrent enantiopathic (contraria contrariis) therapeutic variables, in order to “annihilate” pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy “legally”, for the sole reason that it is not lucrative/patentable, and challenges the alleged scientificity of the enantiopathic (contraria contrariis) dogma.
This really is a long-term objective. However, only in this way photodynamic homœopathic simpleness, that is, pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, the photodynamic Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case of disease in a predictively certain and maximally efficient manner, will be protected, and its necessary perfection promoted.
This is the main purpose of our Awareness · Education · Empowerment campaign!
ISiPS Teaching as a means
ISiPS teaching is an educational means only, an educational tool by itself, to raise awareness of the importance and transcendence of photodynamic simpleness; experimental, semiotic, and its individualizad therapeutical apllication, for the sake of therapeutic efficiency, and for the good of humanity. ISiPS teaching actively empowers individuals to discern truth in the narratives and detect falsehood early.
Filling in the major gap of knowledge
ISiPS teaching fills in the major gap of knowledge existing in university education, in general, and in medical Education and Training, in particular. A gap of information that biases medical education and training towards false and materialistic points of view about the essence and nature of disease and cure. Moreover such a gap of knowledge misleads pharmaceutical therapeutics to systematic inefficiency, i.e., unscientificity.
Disclosing the strategy
In the light of iSiPS we may disclose the strategy followed by pervasive powers of biomedical capiitalism to corrupt and deny the individualized therapeutic application of photodynamic simpleness. Namely, the clauses referring to “homeopathic medicine” in the pharmnaceutical legislation in force. Promoting pseudohomœopathy, they aim at annihilating pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy “legally”!
Repealing the clauses referred to “homeopathic medicines”
It’s a must for every scientific physician, It is an epistemological duty. The noun phrase “homeopathic medicine” is a pseudoscientific oxymoron, Medicine means material compound [1+]. It attempts photodynamic simpleness and its individualized therapeutic application, the quintessence of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, which onlt deals with forces, not with materials.
Elaborating the overdue photodynamic homœopathic simpleness Law
Elaboration of an independent Law for pure , perfectly simple Homœopathy is also an epistemological duty. It should be the overdue photodynamic homœopathic simpleness Law. Guaranteeing its passage and entry in force is the second step towards the full recognition of pure, perfectñy simple Homœopathy, and its supreme scientificity, as the true Technique (applied Science) of Healing.
Promoting the necessary perfection of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy
The passage and entry in force of the overdue photodynamic homœopathic simpleness Law would be the sign that pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy is no longer on the verge of extinction. Since Hahnemann`s times it has much progressed. However its necessary perfection is a must, that only can be guaranteed under a Law that protects and promotes it, for the good of humanity.
Rescuing pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy from extinction
Pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy is threatened with extinction for the sole reason that it’s highly health-restoring, i.e., curative, sanative, but it’s not lucrative, patentable. Therefore, it is of no interest for the biomedical-technocratic capitalism. Moreover, pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, in the light of iSiPS, challenges the alleged “scientificity” of dominating enantiopathic (contraria contrariis) dogma.
iSiPS teaching is the most efficient educational tool to raise such an awareness among scholars, researchers, homœopathic doctors, homœopathy-lovers, homœopathy enthusiasts, beneficiaries of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, health professionals, humanists, open-minded people with a scientific spirit, and seekers after truth in order to empower them to act accordingly for the pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy cause!
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