A commitment to inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS)
Simple · Forever · Similar is a pioneering Independent non-profit Educational Organization that seamlessly merges simpleness and likeness to teach inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), the supreme Law of the existence, the generative force governing the likeness of single entities, and the firm basis, the primary source of, the driving force behind the ubiquitous and universal phanomenon of analogy/likeness/similitude.
Our beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life
Our set of core human values for the good of the humanity
Why simpleness as a value? Why inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS)? “Because everything that does not engender humility and charity and mortification and holy simpleness and silence, etc., what can it be?” (St. John of the Cross, 1542-1591).
the primary, radical, real Truth, the impressive actuality of the real in sentient intellection. Goodness and Beauty are always associated with Truth. We are seekers after the truth!
Human being’s life¦spirit unity
maximal expression of the impressive actuality of iSiPS in humans. Our spiritual dimension is what makes us persons, able to open ourselves to the mystery, to seek after the truth, to grow in wisdom, age and grace,,,,
it means to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. It means to seek the good of others, so as to make them grow in wisdom and grace. It’s to give oneself to another as nurture, as a mother does.
openness to the mystery of creation, life, evil, suffering, death, afterlife, God,… “Between mystery and absurdity, one must choose, and I [we] have chosen.” (G. Thibon, Au soir de ma vie, 1993).
the quality of being firm denotes strength and stability. Firmness is a hallmark of simpleness. Structural and functional efficiency and firmness is the basis of a person’s health and resilience.
the situation in which all the parts of a single entity, i.e., of our life¦spirit unity, fit together well.
the ability to state our groundbreaking convictions, that we feel to be right, without showing fear.
Blameless, irreproachable conscience
acting and behaving free from fault and impossible to criticize. Doing no wrong; free from responsability for doing sth bad.
An array of values
Our comprehensive set of human values, united with our passion for studies and research, and our considerable professional, scientific, technical expertise, is what makes the content of this independent non-profit site –for the sake of efficiency– of scientific interest, and trustworthy.
Inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), the generative force governing the likeness of single entities, itself is a moral rule, and a law, a rule, upon which the existence is based. It is the firm basis of our moral and supreme audacity, of our skill and daring.
“Inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS), simple · forever · similar, delivers us from current paradigm of complexity, and unlocks insights we never thought possible.”
In brief, our values are very like the five universal human values of love, truth, right conduct, peace and non-violence. They encompass all the noble values, have endless depth and breadth in their beauty, purity and power, and lie within every human being in full measure, largely hidden from conscious awareness like diamonds inside a mountain.
“The health of the soul is the love of God, and according to the degrees of the latter will be the measure of the former.” (St. John of the Cross, The Spiritual Canticle, 11,11)