
Disseminating our findings, disseminating iSiPS.

ISiPS, the driving force of the existence!

Simple · Forever · Similar, as pioneering Independent non-profit Educational Organization, is conducting three awareness campaigns. They aim to educate and inform the scientific community and the public about the paramount importance and transcendence of inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS) in all branches of science, especially in applied sciences and in medical therapeutics.

We are conducting three (3) interconnected Awareness · Education · Empowerment Campaigns:

  1. Campaing for iSiPS Teaching among the homoeopathic community and the public.
  2. Campaing for filling in the major knowledge gap existing in university education, and in medical education and training, namely, lack of iSiPS awareness, lack of photodynamic simpleness awareness among the scientific community.
  3. Campaign for an overdue photodynamic homoeopathic simpleness Law.

disseminate: to spread information, knowledge, so that it reaches many people.

Firstly, we are conducting an Awareness · Education · Empowerment Campaing to acquaint the homœopathic community, and the public with iSiPS, the generative force governing the likeness of single entities, the supreme Law and the epistemological premise of the existence.

Moreover we explain that iSiPS is the firm basis and primary source of the supreme scientificity of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy.

Remember that it was conceived and founded by Hahnemann as Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case of disease, in a predictively certain and maximally efficient manner.

It’s well worth recalling that only pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy fulfils every person’ right to therapeutic/sanative (having the power to heal; conductive to health; curative, healing) efficiency!

Why? Because pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy is the sole existing therapeutic Technique (applied Science) having the abilty to restore the integrity and to optimize the efficiency of immune photohomœorhesis in a individualized manner, the firm basis of a person’s health and resilience.

Therefore we are leading an Awareness · Education · Empowerment Campaing for the use of the noun phrase photodynamic homœopathic simpleness (in brief, homœopathic simpleness) in scientific communication to categorize and qualify every photodynamic therapeutic analogy¦ energy unity, specifically chosen by individualized semiotic similitude.

Accordingly, we are also running an awareness · education · empowerment campaing for the use of the noun phrase Summa of Pure Semiotics in scientific communication to entitle the collection, the summation of experimental signs and symptoms resulting from pure experimentation of dynamized analogy¦ energy mediatory unities (Æmis) on healthy subjects.

Secondly, we are conducting an Awareness · Education · Empowerment Campaign to fill in the major knowledge gap existing in university education, namely, the lack of iSiPS awareness, the lack of iSiPS knowledge.

gap: a space between two things or in the middle of something, especially because there is a part missing; a space where something is missing; a void, an unfilled space. < the vacuity of a gap >.

We are convinced that iSiPS teaching will be the most efficient way to make the scientific community well aware of the paramount importance of photodynamic simpleness, discovered by Hahnemann, the specific photodynamic energy of single analogy¦energy entities resulting from unlocking and developing their specific energy by means of rubbing, diluting and shaking them sequentially and methodically.

We aim to acquaint the scientific community with photodynamic simpleness. Photodynamic experimental, semiotic, diagnostic¦therapeutic simpleness is the requisite for applying the Law of cure by individualized semiotic similitude successfully.

Only in this way can the overdue superposition photodynamic homœopathic (healing) effect at the starting point of illness happen.

Simple · Forever · Similar for the sake of efficiency, of therapeutic curative efficiency!

Our long-term Campaign

An Awareness · Education · Empowerment Campaign to elaborate, and to pass the overdue ‘photodynamic simpleness homœopathic Law‘, and its entry in force! It will promote and protect the necessary perfection and the future availibility of pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, for the good of the humanity! It’s a long-term Campaign that should run in parallel with the previous one to acquaint scientific community with photodynamic simpleness, i.e., the Technique (applied Science) of Healing every individual case, in a predictively certain and maximally efficient manner (on the understanding that its cure be still possible).

At the same time, an Awareness · Education · Empowerment Campaign to repeal the the oxymoronic and pseudoscientific clauses referring to “homeopathic medicines/remedies” of the pharmacological legislation in force, Clauses, to be repealed!, that corrupt and deny iSiPS therapeutic individualized application explicitly. They help pseudohomeopathy, beheaded of any scientific simpleness, to develop, in order to supplant (“similia similibus“) Hahnemannian, non lucrative, non patentable, pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy, so as to “annihilate” it “legally”.

Simple · Forever · Similar is the Independent Educational Organization solving the major epistemological problem in which actually are immersed most of “homœopathic medical Associations” and their associates.


a) their unawareness of iSiPS importance and transcendence, the firm basis, primary source and driving force of photodynamic simpleness, and its individualized therapeutic application, i.e., pure, perfectly simple Homœopathy;


b) consequent scientific self-debasement, tacit renunciation of predictive certainty and therapeutic efficiency, and acquiescent subordination to the dominant enantiopathic (“contraria contrariis“) dogma and its pharmaceutical legal clauses, as “complementary therapy“, as spurious pseudo-homœopathy, in the bossom of “integrative medicine“, amidst multiple concurrent therapeutic variables.

In such a pseudoscientific frame they can neither learn anything about the true Technique (applied Science) of Healing, nor contribute anything to its necessary perfection (Hahnemann, Org 2-6; 5-6 § 274).

Inherent simpleness in the principle of similitude (iSiPS): the generative force governing the likeness of single entities, the supreme Law of the existence!

Our firmness, our force!