Members’ Area

Welcome to this dedicated space just for members, where you can learn all facets of iSiPS impressive actuality in all domains of the existence.

As a menber, you are helping to keep Simple · Forever · Similar alive; thank you for your support!

Les cinq tisseuses. Paul Sérusier, 1924. The French verb ’tisser’ does mean to weave, to make something (cloth, a carpet, tapestry,…) by crossing threads or strips across, over and under each other by hand (or on a machine). Another example of the impressive actuality of iSiPS.

Support our mission by becoming a Member and gain access to Simple · Forever · Similar exclusive contents about the impressive actuality of iSiPS in cosmos, nature and human life

SFS Members’ Area will consist of several parts:

  1. Spirituality (human being’s life¦spirit unity).
  2. Humanities (linguistics, philosophy, geography, history).
  3. Fine Arts (major and minor arts).
  4. Photodynamic simpleness (photonic sciences).
  5. The Technique (applied Science) of Healing.
  6. Hahnemann’s original philosophical-scientifical-medical work.
  7. Glossary.

At the end of each part there will be a list of References!

The Simple · Forever · Similar‘s commitment to filling in the major knowledge and incomplete information gap existing in university education, in general, and in medical education and training, in particular. Namely, lack of iSiPS awareness, want of iSiPS knowledge.

Remember, this independent website is in progressThis Members’ Area soon will be functional, operative, ready to be used.

Thank you very much for your interest, support and understanding.